Protomata 2.0

Protomata learner

Use sequencesPLMA selection PLMA selection

Select an already generated PLMA file (sample). File size is limited to 5Mb

Use PLMATraining sequences Training sequences

FASTA format (sample). Length is limited to 5Mb

FASTA format. File size is limited to 5Mb

Maximum percentage of identity allowed between sequences.

PLMA options PLMA options

Minimal significativity.

Protomaton options Protomaton options

The quorum is the minimal sequences weight in a block required to keep it.
It can be expressed as a percentage of the total sequences weight, or directly as the minimal sum of sequences weights.
A protomaton will be generated for each value, separated by spaces or commas.

If selected each sequence have a weight representing how unique it is in the set. Otherwise, each sequence have a fixed weight of 1.
Biogenouest IRISA Symbiose INRIA CNRS Université de Rennes 1 Région Bretagne Renabi GIS-IBiSA

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